Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sitting here no one can harm me

Agnetha,ABBA, Anni-Frid

Agz on sofa


ABBA on stage


Fridster wearing that peculiar green 1981 dress.

Friday, December 29, 2006

I try to capture every minute

Cosy ABBA pics.
Some very cosy reading by Benny and Frida

Somehow these glasses make her look cosy ( can a person be cosy by the way? )


Just one big happy family.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dazzled by the crazy magic

ABBA's undoubted style!
Undoubtedly one of the most ABBA-ish outfits ever.

Short skirt for her, platform boots for him.

That is a fact.

No need to be modest here ms. Lyngstad!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

This is no time for cryin’

Ok, so now what? We've had ABBA and music, ABBA and fashion, ABBA and love, ABBA and sex, ABBA and fun, ABBA and family, ABBA and hair, ABBA and christmas...
ah wait!
ABBA and physical discomfort!
( oh yeah, that's what you've been waiting for )
Ooh darn what's that in mmy ear?

No Björn, that was not a Volvo.

I'm a star so I'm supposed to be hot -and feverish

Ooh ouchie!

Benny really wants to share his discomfort with Frida

Monday, December 25, 2006

People need faith in a helping hand

Just in case you were thinking 'hey, what's that cute ABBA x-mas decoration in Bonnie's tree'...
it's a little round postcard from the ABBA fanclub ...

signed by three (?) ABBA members.

(Agnetha if you read this: we love you no matter what!)

oh dear oh dear I'm afraid I'll sound sweaty and obsessed now.

May we all have a vision now and then

The ABBA scrapbook is open on Christmas day too!

But I'm afraid Frida is not available at the moment.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

If it makes me laugh for a little while

Oh dear it's official: they're called ABBAH. (for: Agnetha+Björn+Benny+Anni-Frid+Horse - or Häst in Swedish)

I believe in angels

Better late than never: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

You’ll never get rid of me

Naaah, ABBA sounds much better.
Yes, they were actually engaged in the following pictures:

Engaged couple one


Engaged couple two

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Changing, moving, in a circle

Just a thought...

Somebody help me...!

What do you mean I'm going with her?




well, at least the coffee was good.


or was it?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Boy, I was tough

2 scans from the Number Ones DVD booklet.
Agnetha is smiling! Or is she just relieved that couple next to her stopped snogging?

Great pic. Benny's cleavage is actually more daring than Frida's.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Look at her face it’s a wonderful face

What was her name again....?

(like the earrings Frida!)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Coming from a heart, speaking to a heart

It's Frida time again.
She was so lonesome, she was blue...

Looking like a princess


Being a princess


Fresh looking, red haired Frida, Annifrid Lyngstad talked about people's parks and tomorrows music with Paul Paljett who was impressed.

He was in fact impressed by the new Polar Studios. But rumour has it Frida also made a big impact.


It's those earrings again!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Maestro is 60 today!

Grattis Benny!

Flowers in a desert need a drop of rain

It's random Saturday again!
Such talent!

They are happy.


He's not happy.


Not bad at a-hal!

(For those not in the know, Frida and Agnetha sang backing vocals at the song "Not bad at all" by Tomas Ledin during the '79 tour)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

You're in the danger zone you can't hide it

I've been scanning a lot of Agnetha pictures from my scrapbooks lately., I didn't know I had that many pics of her!
Three to start with.
That Smurf looks great on her.

not as good as the blue eyeshadow though

but who cares, she's sexy anyway.