Friday, September 22, 2006

...and still you never reach ’em

I have to get this off my chest!
It's about that neverending A. versus A. thing that is going on between fans. I should say *some* fans, because the majority are decent fans.
Have you ever visited YouTube? I bet you have. A wealth of ABBA and Agnetha and Frida videos. Some of them never seen before.
But have you ever read the comments? Yeah, mostly things like "thanks for uploading this video" or "I love this song" but there seem to be some @#$%^& who call them self ABBA fans who consitently critisize, no, belittle Frida.
They are avid Agnetha fans, which is OK of course, but instead of praising Agnetha they ridicule Frida. According to these @#$%^& Frida has always loked like a grandmother, a clown, cheap, old whereas Agnetha is of course fresh as morning dew and angellike. Oh and sexy.
Also they keep on telling that Agnetha was the iconic one and always more popular. I'd say: is this a popularity contest? What are you trying to prove?
And who are you to insult Frida?

Why is it always Agnetha fans who show this stupid and childish behaviour? I would almost say Agnetha attracts some bonafide freaks! What a bunch of pathetic f***wits! Excusez le mot.

Love Agnetha, respect Frida / Love Frida, respect Agnetha/ Love Agnetha and love Frida


Thank you for reading this.