What would ABBA be without their fans? Or where would they be?
I am one. And I admit I am fan through and through. It's not exactly that "I eat, I sleep, I dream ABBA" but well, I like them a LOT.
Never met them though. Never did my best to meet them either. The closest I have been to ABBA, or at least Frida, was like 5 meter when she performed in Cologne with Jon Lord, October 2004.
This is obviously Swedish fan Cecilia who won a meeting with them.
Frida signing in 1977 when filming The Movie. Little boys waiting patiently in line.
( see fabulous colour version of this picture in the even more fabulous A tribute to Frida book )
Fan Amy Carter,daughter of former president of USA, getting a real ABBA necklace.I mean how lucky can you get?
A. She gets an original ABBA necklace and, even better, B. Frida puts in on!