In the recording studio.
After filming one could have a nice and quiet summer. Not. Because now it's time for job number two. Hänt had the opportunity to be there a couple of days when the new album was recorded. Rumours about ABBA being precise are all true, I can assure that.
All four do everything to make it sound perfect. And absolutely perfect are the lyrics only when they sound American.
-Don't forget it has to be a fat "L". It's called Eagle and fly, says Björn stressing the fat "L"s when the song "And I dream I'm an eagle" starts. Don't forget the fat "S" Benny immediately adds. And the fat "K" completes sound engineer Micke .
As a result all start chaotically reading their lines with highly exaggerate letters. It sounded like a marketplace.
Until Agnetha partly serious partly joking, stopped and protested: but then you can't hear we are from Sweden anymore!
The question is of course if this wasn't intended all along...
Frida and Agnetha see to it the other will pronounce EagLe and Take a chanS on me right.
Frida carrying a Dior bag full of American "L"s. Handy!(far fetched I know ;-)